13 May 2010

Plane is cancelled again!

Waiting for the next plane to arrive
Three days waiting for flights does something to people: It looks like a European airport under the Icelandic ash cloud.

The world is white. The snow is white. The air is white. The Sun is
nowhere to be seen and out there our skiway markers are little black spots
making a dotted line in the middle of the white. The line tells us what
horizontal is and where the horizon is supposed to be. Now we have
cancelled flights for three days, and we don’t like the waiting one bit,
but that’s how it is: Polar work is done at the mercy of the elements.

However, in camp we use the structures to navigate by, and people go about
doing their jobs. We are not worried. We are safe. The only concern is
that the next supply of coffee is on the plane, and our supply is getting
a bit thin. At 2100 a blizzard came. It came in 5 minutes, and now
everything is blurred out by blowing snow.

What we have done today:
1. Maintenance on belts of the Flexmobile.
2. Work on stabilising the drill tower finished. New bolts hold the tower
3. Levelling tables in the science trench.
4. Setting up in the CFA laboratory.
5. Made door for new ice storage cave.

Weather: Overcast, -17°C to - 14°C, 5 - 15 knots from N turning to NE.
Visibility: 1-2 miles. Light snow. At 2100 a sudden (within 5 minutes)
change to: -21°C, 25 knot from SW and blowing snow.

FL, J.P. Steffensen


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